Thursday, June 6, 2013

Some Negatives and a Positive

Last night I had another "I-hate-kids-why-did-I-come-here" moment.  After a rough class I vented to Aaron.  Ate ramen, and a lot of cookies.  And played really embarrassing girly games on my iPhone.  I know there's a lesson in here somewhere.  I am very aware that this is really God preparing me and building some sort of skill or character trait in me that I will need some time in the future for some greater purpose.  At least, I sure hope so.  I know I have bigger ambitions, especially in ministry.  And well, if I can't handle a few little kids... how am I supposed to handle other challenges that come my way?

I have no answers.  I know that this is a journey.  I'm not at any destination and the point is not to get to a destination.  But to just focus on the journey.  That is what I am doing.  But sometimes I do have moments where I think, "Get me off of this ship!"

And a really REALLY disgusting story.  I don't know why, but last night and all of today I had some serious digestive problems.  And I pretty much shit my pants twice.  Not kidding.  The only other time I've ever shit my pants was when I was four and there was no toilet anywhere in sight.  So... yeah, that's disgusting.

Fortunately, one of my private lessons postponed till tomorrow.  So I got spend most of the day resting. I took some medicine, that didn't really help.  Then I tried some ice cream.  I don't know why, but it was calling to me.  And finally, I felt better.  I love ice cream.  It always does the job.  When I'm in a bad mood, it's there for me.  After a hard day, I really should've turned to it first.  It's certainly always there at a certain time of the month, and now I know... it will settle my stomach when nothing else will.

Other disappointing news: one of my girls quit my Thursday class.  I'm really sad about this because we just got a new boy student.  I was really happy that this class was growing.  It went from 3 to 4 to 5 students in just two months.  But now it's down to 4 again.  Fortunately, this class is still going well even without her.  Also, two of my adult students quit my Friday class.  The English Program already doesn't have enough students.  So it's very discouraging that more students are dropping out.  A positive note is a girl joined my junior high class on Tuesday night.  I'm a little concerned for her because she comes in with a 7th grade speaking level and the other students are at an 8th grade level right now.  I hope she will not feel discouraged by the difficulty of the course.

I spoke to Junko about trying to advertise somehow.  Their means is by passing out flyers around the neighborhood and through Junko's piano lessons.  But I feel we need to do more than that.  Hopefully this will create a chance to outreach in a fun way.  I guess, while some students are dropping out, there is still hope, since we are gaining a few new students slowly.  Let's hope this grows even more.

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