Monday, January 27, 2014

Christmas and Children's Services

The next Sunday we had a special Christmas service.  The children and some ladies played some Christmas carols on hand bells, and afterwards we had a great feast.  It was a potluck and people brought many interesting and good foods.

The next day, we had a children's service Christmas service.  The kids all gathered on the sanctuary floor and Haruka and Tomowari hosted the event.  There was a short message, more carol singing, and several performances.  One was a repeat of the handbell performance.  The other was my Christmas Flashmob that I taught to the kids.  I used the same routine that Bluewater Mission had done several years ago and several of the English students and staff members joined in.  It was pretty fun.

Handbell carols.

After the singing and dancing, Santa and... Mrs. Claus (?) and Rudolph came in for a surprise visit.  We had another round of Secret Santa, this time with the kids separated into two groups of boys and girls.  Hisashi led everyone in a candlelit service.  Children and open flame candles, AHH!  Fortunately, the building didn't burn down.  Afterwards all the kids got a present.  And so did I.  Yay!


The Sasaki Family also invited me over to their house for their annual Christmas tradition.  We had a dinner around the table that was very American.  It included a carved Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and cake.  Cake part not so American.

Hisashi carving the turkey.
After dinner, everyone gathered around the living room and exchanged presents.  Each member gave a present to everyone in the group.  I was surprised when even I got presents.  It was a very kind gesture.  Everyone got really nice things.  Hiromitsu got a nice sweater vest.  And Hajime got two cases of energy drinks.  Everyone was amused.

Hajime's lifetime supply of energy drinks.
Hiromitsu's new vest.

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