Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Back to AZ, USA

In the month of May, I flew back to Arizona for my brother's college graduation.  Since my sister was also planning to come to Sendai for an internship at MeySen, I ended up staying for two weeks and flying back with her.

Those two weeks were pretty good.  I went to my brother's graduation at Arizona State University Polytechnic.  It was a really small graduation.  Smaller than a high school graduation.  My brother majored in Mechanical Engineering and his campus is separate from the main campus so it's a smaller school.  But it was a very nice graduation.  At the end, we all got free ice cream and cake.  Something I'd never seen before at a graduation ceremony.  What was nice was that my whole family was there.  Me and my dad.  Usually one of us is missing.  But this time we were all there.

We spent most of my two weeks there eating.  And most of that eating took place at Denny's.  I've never eaten so much Denny's in all my life.  But it was great to eat real American food again.  We ate so much food, so much dense food, that by the end of the two weeks I was really for the lighter Japanese cuisine.  And now I'm on a diet!  I gained a gut while I was in AZ.  I don't know how they can do it.

While there, one of my mom's good friends' son graduated from high school.  At the time my mom and dad were in Vegas to visit my mom's cousin.  Erik, Kayla, and I went for her instead.  My mom was adamant that we make a money lei for this kid.  We spent the whole day frantically folding 10 one dollar bills and attaching them onto a bead necklace.  It was a little weird when we got there.  For one thing, I haven't been at a high school in over 10 years.  It was so weird to see how kids dress these days.  Also, Erik just graduated college, so even he was old.  Weird.  What was also weird was that this was a high school in our district, so they were kind of our rivals in high school.  But the weirdest thing of all was that I was the one who presented the lei to this kid, and the last time I saw him, he was maybe 7.  He probably had no memory of me.  I didn't even know what he looked like.  But his mom is a good friend to our family and we were there to support her, just like she was there to support me at my wedding.

My two weeks also included lots of shopping.  I bought two new pairs of shoes that altogether cost me half of what I would've spent on just one pair in Japan.  I also bought 4 dresses.  Two I bought for only $10.  Deals!  And probably the most exciting thing was that Erik and I watched Godzilla together.  Not the best movie in the world.  But what was cool was seeing a Bluewater member IN the movie!  I was so excited about it that I facebooked it right away.  Very fun.

At the end, Melissa and I left for Sendai.  We had a LONG journey of layovers, 3 flights, and 2 train rides.  We made a stop in Portland, OR on the way over and we saw a really cool piece of art.

Now I'm back in Sendai again after a nice two weeks back in USA.  And this time Melissa is with me (some of the time), but that's another blog entry.

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